A few people have asked for examples that show complete work flows from beginning to end. Here are a few such examples. They assume only that ADMIXTOOLS 2 is installed and R is started. The disadvantage of following these recipes is that they always start from scratch, and don’t take advantage of precomputed f-statistics, which would be faster. It’s easy to adapt them so they do take advantage of that, but at that point, you might as well read the regular tutorial.

Each recipe begins by defining the input and output files, as well as other parameters. They usually have names like mypop1, or /my/files/prefix. This needs to be replaced with populations in your files, or a path that points to data on your computer. prefix means that if your genotype files have names like data.geno, data.snp, and data.ind, you should leave out the ending and just type data (see Data formats for a description of the file formats). As an example, if the genotype files are in C:\Users\Robert\Documents\, you would have to replace /my/files/prefix with C:/Users/Robert/Documents/data. (On Windows you might have to replace backslashes with forward slashes.)

You can also copy and paste the recipes into a file and execute them from the command line using Rscript. For example, you can copy the first example into a file called compute_fst.R, replace the file and population names, and run it by typing Rscript compute_fst.R.


FST for two populations

data = '/my/files/prefix'
outfile = '/my/files/out.txt'
pop1 = 'mypop1'
pop2 = 'mypop2'


out = fst(data, pop1, pop2, adjust_pseudohaploid = FALSE)
# `adjust_pseudohaploid = FALSE` will make sure that you always
# get results, even for populations with only a single
# pseudohaploid sample. Estimates for populations with only a
# single pseudohaploid can be biased, which is why the default
# behavior adjust_pseudohaploid = TRUE can result in an error.

write_tsv(out, outfile)

FST for a list of populations

This assumes that you want to compute FST for all pairs in a list of populations which are listed one per line in /my/pops.txt. To get all pairs from all populations in the genotype data, simply set popfile = ''.

data = '/my/files/prefix'
outfile = '/my/files/out.txt'
popfile = '/my/files/pops.txt'

if(file.exists(popfile)) pops = NULL else pops = read_lines(popfile)

out = fst(data, pop1 = pops, adjust_pseudohaploid = FALSE)
# `adjust_pseudohaploid = FALSE` will make sure that you always
# get results, even for populations with only a single
# pseudohaploid sample. Estimates for populations with only a
# single pseudohaploid can be biased, which is why the default
# behavior adjust_pseudohaploid = TRUE can result in an error.

write_tsv(out, outfile)


f4 for a single population quadruple

data = '/my/files/prefix'
outfile = '/my/files/out.txt'
pop1 = 'Chimp'
pop2 = 'Mbuti'
pop3 = 'Russia_Ust_Ishim'
pop4 = 'Kostenki'


if(file.exists(popfile)) pops = NULL else pops = read_lines(popfile)

out = f4(data, pop1, pop2, pop3, pop4)

write_tsv(out, outfile)

f4 for all population combinations

data = '/my/files/prefix'
outfile = '/my/files/out.txt'


out = f4(data, unique_only = TRUE)
# set `unique_only = FALSE` to also return combinations
# where some populations occur more than once

write_tsv(out, outfile)

f4 for populations or population combinations stored in a file

data = '/my/files/prefix'
outfile = '/my/files/out.txt'
popfile = '/my/files/pops.txt'


out = f4(data, pop1 = popfile)

write_tsv(out, outfile)

f4 for specific population combinations

data = '/my/files/prefix'
outfile = '/my/files/out.txt'
pop1 = 'Chimp'
pop2 = c('Mbuti', 'French')
pop3 = c('Russia_Ust_Ishim', 'Switzerland_Bichon', 'Denisova')
pop4 = 'Kostenki'


out = f4(data, pop1, pop2, pop3, pop4)

write_tsv(out, outfile)

f4 computed only on SNPs which are present in all populations

In the examples above, different SNPs may be used for different f-statistics, if some data is missing. To avoid any biases that can result from selecting different SNPs, you can set allsnps = FALSE and use only SNPs which are non-missing in all populations for which f4 is computed. This type of SNP selection is also used when computing f4 from pre-computed f2-statistics which were generated with the default maxmiss = 0 setting.

data = '/my/files/prefix'
outfile = '/my/files/out.txt'


out = f4(data, allsnps = FALSE)

write_tsv(out, outfile)


D-statistics only differ from by f4-statistics by a scaling factor. To compute D-statistics, you can use the same commands as for computing f4-statistics. The only difference is the argument f4mode = FALSE. D-statistics cannot be computed from pre-computed f2-statistics.

data = '/my/files/prefix'
outfile = '/my/files/out.txt'


out = f4(data, f4mode = FALSE)

write_tsv(out, outfile)


Evaluating a single qpAdm model

data = '/my/files/prefix'
outprefix = '/my/files/out_prefix'
left = c('leftpop1', 'leftpop2', 'leftpop3')
right = c('rightpop1', 'rightpop2', 'rightpop3', 'rightpop4')
target = c('targetpop')


out = qpadm(data, left, right, target)

write_tsv(out$weights, paste0(outprefix, '_weights.tsv'))
write_tsv(out$f4, paste0(outprefix, '_f4.tsv'))
write_tsv(out$rankdrop, paste0(outprefix, '_rankdrop.tsv'))
write_tsv(out$popdrop, paste0(outprefix, '_popdrop.tsv'))

Evaluating many qpAdm models (fast)

data = '/my/files/prefix'
outprefix = '/my/files/out_prefix'
models = tibble(
           left = list(c('pop1', 'pop2'), c('pop3')),
           right = list(c('pop5', 'pop6', 'pop7'), c('pop7', 'pop8')),
           target = c('pop10', 'pop10'))


out = qpadm_multi(data, models, full_results = FALSE)

out %>% rowwise %>%
  mutate(across(c(left, right), ~paste0(., collapse = ','))) %>%
  write_tsv(paste0(outprefix, '.tsv'))

Evaluating many qpAdm models (include weights and standard errors)

data = '/my/files/prefix'
outprefix = '/my/files/out_prefix'
models = tibble(
           left = list(c('pop1', 'pop2'), c('pop3')),
           right = list(c('pop5', 'pop6', 'pop7'), c('pop7', 'pop8')),
           target = c('pop10', 'pop10'))


out = qpadm_multi(data, models, full_results = TRUE)

out %>% purrr::transpose() %>%
  iwalk(~bind_rows(.x, .id = 'model') %>%
          write_tsv(paste0(outprefix, .y, '.tsv')))

Rotate outgroups

data = '/my/files/prefix'
outprefix = '/my/files/out_prefix'
target = 'targetpop'
leftright = c('pop1', 'pop2', 'pop3', 'pop4')
rightfix = c('pop5', 'pop6')


models = rotate_models(leftright, target, rightfix)
out = qpadm_multi(data, models, full_results = FALSE)
# there is also `qpadm_rotate`, but it only works with pre-computed f2-statistics

out %>% rowwise %>%
  mutate(across(c(left, right), ~paste0(., collapse = ','))) %>%
  write_tsv(paste0(outprefix, '.tsv'))

Amixture graph fitting

Evaluating a single admixture graph

data = '/my/files/prefix'
outprefix = '/my/files/out_prefix'
graphfile = '/my/files/graph.txt'


# use this if you have a graph in a text file in the old ADMIXTOOLS format
graph = parse_qpgraph_graphfile(graphfile) %>% edges_to_igraph()
# use this if you have a graph in a text file in ADMIXTOOLS 2 format
graph = read_table2(graphfile) %>% edges_to_igraph()

out = qpgraph(data, graph, return_fstats = TRUE)

sc = tibble(a = c('score', 'worst_residual'), b = c(out$score, out$worst_residual))
write_tsv(out$edges, paste0(outprefix, '_edges.tsv'))
write_tsv(out$f3, paste0(outprefix, '_f3.tsv'))
write_tsv(out$f4, paste0(outprefix, '_f4.tsv'))
write_tsv(sc, paste0(outprefix, '_score.tsv'))

Finding well-fitting admixture graphs

data = '/my/files/prefix'
outprefix = '/my/files/out_prefix'
popfile = '/my/files/pops.txt'
numadmix = 3

if(file.exists(popfile)) pops = NULL else pops = read_lines(popfile)

f2_blocks = f2_from_geno(data)
results = find_graphs(f2_blocks, numadmix = numadmix)
winner = results %>% slice_min(score)

write_tsv(winner$edges[[1]], paste0(outprefix, '_edges.tsv'))
write_lines(paste0('score\t', winner$score[[1]]), paste0(outprefix, '_score.tsv'))

Simulate data under an admixture graph