Update 2023-07-07

Some (mostly superseded) functions in ADMIXTOOLS 2 can parallelize computations across multiple cores or compute nodes by making use of the packages future and furrr. In find_graphs_old(), this was used to rerun the topology optimization multiple times (possibly with different starting graphs). The more recent find_graphs() function doesn’t support this, first because it’s faster than find_graphs_old(), and second because packages like furrr and foreach make it easy to manually run find_graphs() multiple times in parallel. The examples below should therefore be considered outdated. The page is still up in case the instructions are useful in another context.

Parallelization across cores

To parallelize computations across cores, run


To turn parallelization off, run


Parallelization on a compute cluster

Sometimes it makes more sense to parallelize across compute nodes rather than across cores. This can be done either in the traditional way of writing an R script and submitting it many times in parallel as separate jobs, or interactively from within R again using the furrr/future framework. However, it is more complicated to set up than parallelization across cores.

On a cluster using the Slurm job scheduler, the following command will set up parallelization across compute nodes.

future::plan(tweak(batchtools_slurm, workers = 50,
                   resources=list(ncpus = 1, memory = 1024,
                                  walltime = 10*60*60, partition = 'short')))

It specifies that up to 50 jobs should be run at a time, with each one requesting one CPU, 1024 MB of memory, and 10 hours on the partition called short.

This requires the R package future.batchtools and a batchtools template file in the working directory, such as this one.

With this setup, the find_graphs function will submit each of the 200 repeats as a separate job.

As it will still take a while for this to finish, it is a good idea to submit this as one job which calls an R script. That R script will in turn spawn 200 new jobs and wait for them to finish and return their results.

The R script could look like this.


future::plan(tweak(batchtools_slurm, workers=50,
                   resources=list(ncpus = 1, memory=1024,
                                  walltime=10*60*60, partition='short')))

pops = c('popA', 'popB', 'popC', 'popD')
opt_results = find_graphs_old('/my/f2/dir/', pops, outpop = pops[1], numrep = 200,
                          numgen = 20, numgraphs = 100, numadmix = 3, verbose = FALSE)

saveRDS(opt_results, file='opt_results.rds')

It could be in a file called opt_graphs.Rscript and be run like this, or submitted as a job.

Rscript opt_graphs.Rscript

It takes more time to evaluate larger graphs, and in particular graphs with more admixture nodes. It’s probably a good idea to start with a small number of repeats, generations, and graphs per generation to get a sense of the runtime before scaling it up.