This functions generates all possible admixture graphs with a set number of admixture events for a given set of leaf nodes. It's pretty slow, and may not terminate in reasonable time for more than 5 leaves and 2 admixture events. The function is similar to the all_graphs function in the admixturegraph package, but there are a few differences:

  • The function does not return graphs with fewer than nadmix admixture events

  • The function does not return most graphs which are unidentifiable and would have equal fits as simpler identifiable graphs (for example it does not return graphs where a node is expanded to a loop)

  • The function does not return duplicated graphs, as identified by the graph_hash function

  • The function generates unique graphs which are missing in the output of all_graphs

generate_all_graphs(leaves, nadmix = 0, verbose = TRUE)



The leaf nodes


The number of admixture nodes


Print progress updates


A list of graphs in igraph format

See also


if (FALSE) {
graphs = generate_all_graphs(letters[1:4], 1)